Bieg Firmowy: Remote Edition

I started my adventure with the Company Run in 2016. With each subsequent year there were more runners, harder competition, but the goal remained to help those in charge of the Everest Foundation.
This year we will run for 12 charges.

The May date was reserved for 5 km relay race at the Olympic Stadium, and the pleasant route compensated for the huge confusion that has always prevailed in the change zone and that was the charm of this race. This year changed the running competition and also influenced the date and formula of the Company Run.
The event will take place on 29 August at any time, in the hours between 00:00 a 23:59. Competitors can run from anywhere with internet access and GPS, there will be no chopsticks, crowds and confusion. Instead, there is the possibility of participation of runners from companies throughout the country.

Registration continues until 31 July or when the limit of places is reached. Information Bieg Firmowy