Virtual Blue Run

This time I came to Inowrocław virtually running as part of the Toyota Jaworski Four Colors Grand Prix Cycle at 5 in 10 km – BLUE RUN.

I have shed some sweat.

It appears, that “Thai weather” should be favorable to me and not. It's too hot for me, I have to work on thermoregulation! I chose the time 5:36 for start and paths, which I am already bored with. Well, that virtual runs are backwards, because I don't know how long I could withstand the wheels on this route. Comfort is not everything.

I must admit, that I assumed a slightly better time, but the drivers turned out to be rude on the road and I had to wait for three cars to cross the road crossing my path. I lost precious seconds and then I had to accelerate. It is difficult, I chose the route myself, although I wasn't counting on meeting the cars at this early hour.

I still have a problem with the finish and instead of running I focus on the watch and magical numbers. I definitely prefer the traditional finish with the gate, people, then you can make more of yourself.
It remains to the end of the competition 3 days, for now I'm proud of the classification, wiem, that it will change but you watch well.

I officially ended the competition in the Blue Run on 3 WOMEN'S OPEN place.