subjective decade 42,195

Subjective, because everyone expects something different, ranking of what we ran marathons. On the occasion of our appeal 12 marathon, and thus visit 10 racing seats, I stack them in the best 10.


There are many marathons rankings, she grabbed on such and chose destinations, which were considered the best in the world. Reality verified strongly towards the "most", So now I do not believe in my own statement and is created based on real experience and not what experts describe copying press releases and advertising prepared by the organizers, never being on the spot!

In the first place unquestionably Phuket route with perfectly prepared, bufetami, delicious food, pasta and after party anywhere and so far have not met the magic! Generally racing in Thailand are unusual and hard to explain the organizers of devotion, thanks for the effort for runners, is a completely different culture occupations. Trasa ***
Laguna Phuket Marathon

Second place for Siem Reap, Cambodia, neighbor Thailand. It is a point below, because at the finish there was nothing to eat, only liquid drugs at will. Very well protected points nutritious, water at 2,5 km. Free pasta party with an interesting cultural program. Trasa ***
Angkor Empire Marathon

Third place for Israel and Tel Aviv, just because, pasta party for that you had to pay extra. Marathon organized perfectly. The route with little downside for the call at the end of the half, and probably 10k. Big pluses are the points nutritious with delicious dates,, woda, after marathon, fans on tour. Trasa ***
Tel Aviv Samsung Marathon

Fourth place Israel but also in the mountain release Eilat. The organization was noticeably worse, especially the competition office. same gear, route, punty nutritional and run after the revelation! Tough finish on the promenade between people, who are not really respected barriers wygradzające. Trasa *****
Desert Marathon

France is the fifth of the Medoc just because of the price and additional charge pasta party. Trasa, buffets and surprises on the route and above all, the atmosphere is not to repeat. cheering, joyful and great fun town of marathon runners. excellent organization, well functioning transport, town marathon at the finish line with sanitary facilities, and the organization does not deal with the youngest wine connoisseurs! Not for nothing and ran twice and still tempts us. Trasa ****
Marathon du Medoc

For six did a marathon of Nice - Cannes. Very decent marathon, prepared interesting additional events, I missed the pasta party. Dobra organizacja, at the finish line already slightly worse everything worked, marathon runners left alone, lack of information, deposit located far. Trasa ****
Marathon des Alpes-Maritimes Nice-Cannes

Lucky seven is in the country Orlen Warsaw, a big minus for the tiny dish extra cost and very poor pasta party. It would be better if the organizers looked completely eliminated that, and so it came out funny. Reszta – there is nothing to find fault all the time and place. Trasa ***
ORLEN Warsaw Marathon

Eight Tromso for Norway generally have trouble with this marathon. I expected something more, most impress me route. Dobra organizacja, interesting events accompanying and very nice organizers. Trasa **
Midnight Sun Marathon

Nine for Tanzania Kilimanjaro, I do not criticize the organizers of the run, I understand the situation This is Africa. No water on the route, Nutritional stripped points, lack of food at the finish line, only a small bottle of water and ZERO shadow of the need to struggle for the marathon in Africa. Nieszczególna route, little tip secured and hopeless, where basically you had to scramble last kilometers uphill to the finish line with the crowd returning from the run (10, 21). Trasa **
Kilimanjaro Premium Lager Marathon

Ten for the worst, although it may be hard to believe Jamaica and Negril. Caribbean and advertising as the best pasta party in the world. And how! Best in Thailand and Cambodia. Dishes and uninteresting place on the beach or somehow not enchanted, Plastic tables spoiled climate ... The worst, however, falls same gear, unsecured route, at the end of the course the movement! No points nutrients, the lack of water 21 km, lack of food at the finish line. Run without climate, few fans tourists. Very uninteresting route, dwie pętle, no views. One big disappointment. Trasa *
Reggae Marathon

Generally the place 2 of 8 marathons a silver medal winners, well prepared with interesting routes. The last two deserve a bronze medal, However, because there was a lot of shortcomings, and only exotic locations rescued from disaster.

Ran in Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Italy, France, Israel, Thailand, Cambodia, Jamaica and Tanzania.