4. Bieg Karnawałowy

this is 4 once we ran carnival, this year very wiosennie, even boiling hot and sunny.
Photo. ProRun

Together with us at the finish line balowało 528 biegaczy, enrolled over 700 people. great ball!

I know the route and yet I'm always surprised twists, bridges and nawrotkami, my favorite should not be.
This time the weather has made yet, and instead of the normal winter in the city (last year were icy paths) it got 12 gradually summer. At the halfway point, I was cooked and the color of my face flush with the T-shirt. Those who chose to run “na krótko” They won and frankly envied them.
Photo. ProRun

I ran to the finish with a decent time, slightly worse than last year, who gave me 1 w kategorii wiekowej.

Collection medals – masks increased by a mask with a feather.
Photo. ProRun

10K: 00:46:20 in 00:46:49 (1 K40)