Hunting with dogs on runners

in January they began to mass hunting of wild boar, the turn and the runners.

In fact, not going deeper mail deal with the matter with the dog running, I commented ot our next group of "what's going on", but one, innocent mind was like the proverbial red rag to a bull, and it's not for me.
repeat: Therefore lose the dog is like a win
And here the girl at the end of a leash greatly angered, and I read, I'm snappy, old and do not know at all, and I should go out for training. I also got a message lovable, that is a weak text, I do not like animals and time to retire as Pikawa can no longer run and let the youth run.
I want to reassure all of my "Pikawa" all ok and does not publish this, to air their woes and show the scale of "madness" and a reversal of reality.

The first time a girl running with a dog I met in November Bierutowskim Run Forest, then there was New Year's Eve Race Street in Trzebnica, Winter Mountain Marathon Slezanski and running within Auctions, just where I did not have anything against because of the nature of the course, and the comment was as whimsical as indicated by emoticons. We ended up rather started.
Let me quote from the speech Mrs. FB, which I wrote in a comment:
“if the dog runs itself? Are irrelevant information about how much a dog can pull out if the person on the other side is untrained. This man sets the pace, not a dog. If my fluent same, You are not zdazylaby button to start and she would be already at the finish.”
“Text this, with the dog lose, it's almost not fair to win some. At the end of a leash is the man, which also runs trains and. Writing about other participants in the course of this stupidity. Not very fair play behavior such runners but unfortunately not brakuje.Zamiast devote time to such a scribble it proposes to go out for training. Then other people, gravel or rain will not disturb. We do not greet”
“Yeah, how to win it all cool, and how he is losing this August in other dumps. In previous races as you wymijala me it was not about winning the comments from the dog s a n d a. At this age, one would learn przegrywac. Is it a dog or been married to for New Year's Eve run.
Can form would be better if you're not in August focused on how they run the other”

I run with the dog, I know what it means, I know the feeling of great strength, which pulls you. Rim – Our sorely missed Siberian Husky pulling not once "burned" my hands, I also had a few rides on the boots in the snow and ice. The third dog in the family appeared Rosa's why to run together in training. Even we had plans to dog competition, But we got a dog without sports jams, but training zaliczyliśmy.
Photo. Bieganizm

I never thought there than to take part in competitions running with a dog, and even more so to receive the prize and fall spotted space. Running with a dog (canicross) is another sport, is not running! How can you not discern? Assign a "personal records" and brag about time. How can you not see, such that in train a course can only keep up with the dog, in other words, less slow down dog.

I like the rivalry and competition, therefore I trample them but I expect, it will be a sport, healthy competition and not run for doping! Doping is illegal and threatens for disqualification.

The dog is doping!