Piast Run Mikołajowy

The last medal collection,

to get it you had to run 10 Piast km Run Mikołajowego. And how can you not run?

And although we did not feel like competition, and from marathon we not even looked in the direction of running shoes, stawiliśmy bravely at the starting line.
Photo. Paweł Mazurczak

We arrived earlier, to have no trouble with parking and did signpost for the Office competition. I sat with the air cierpiętnicy, unable to decide how to dress. Maybe it was not cold, as many as 7 degrees but wind blew hard. Na nic nie liczyłam, I was not expecting anything, I just wanted to run the damn 10 km and already be at the finish.
Photo. Leon Dubij

mandatory warm-up, Finally, because you have to move, after a week of doing nothing, chat with friends and finally start.
The route has changed, the loop 4 km in the park, I particularly did not like. I ran my own pace and even ran half the distance I well, byłam druga.

Then it was just worse and reached the finish line at the rate of relaxation, because I said, I'm not going to bother. ahead of me 3 the girls and I was thinking, Run, I have time. I finished as 5 And the woman and category, and so what is a success.
Photo. Paweł Mazurczak

Maciek also ran training and, he did not bother, I caught up with him a cold. With medals decided not to wait for the decoration of my category and came home.
Photo. Paweł Mazurczak

I'm tired, my legs do not carry a CityTrail is waiting around the corner…

10K: 00:46:50 (K40 1) in 00:50:01