5. Half Marathon Sowie Mts

The August plan lacked competition, and how to go from Wroclaw, For example, in the Owl Mountains, it just to get some tired at half-marathon.

Photo. Jan Brzezinski – Independent Art Gallery

We went to Ludwikowice Klodzkie, where the town center was Harenda skiing, start i meta. A big plus for the organizers for the preparation of parking spaces in addition free. The course was going to be quite intimate, competed about 150 people.
Weather again we went, It was warm but not boiling hot. Organizers warned, that the route is sometimes damaged by water, It is also flowing torrents of mud and after two days of thunderstorms and rain.
The route was well marked, everything very professionally prepared and we are very pleased with the course.
We took backpacks with wineskins, outside, that the organizers assured 3 points water, we wanted to be independent and enjoy the water when we feel like it. In the mountain running all the time you should have water with you, especially in summer.

Photo. Jan Brzezinski – Independent Art Gallery

Half Marathon was difficult, almost immediately after the start of the route ran uphill, sometimes quite steeply, almost 14 km. We marched bravely, I didn't push the pace, we did not know the route and did not know what awaits me even on the way, only few tried to wypłaszczeniach “make up” and run faster. It was to be the start of training. Owl were greeted by hordes of tourists and fans. Stony fugitive surprised me, I do not like “loose” stone, I fear for the legs and I release. Maciek rushed down, but he was waiting for me at a time, so that together “happily” run up to the finish.

Photo. Jan Brzezinski – Independent Art Gallery

At the finish line waiting for a medal, water and watermelon and regenerative meal.
Sowie Mts Half Marathon proved to be very “pleasant” over, beautiful drive, very good organization and homely atmosphere. We think that next year does not return to the Sowa, if the organizers decide to sixth at the half marathon distance.

21K: 02:15:30 in 02:15:33 (4 K40)