6 meters to Paris

Surprisingly, and quite by accident Maciek came across an exhibition of photographs of Eustachy Kossakowski “6 meters to Paris”. Negatives and slides are the property of: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.

The leitmotif are plaques with the inscription Paris, which define the administrative boundaries of the city, there is 159 and all were photographed from a distance of six meters.

Series was established in 1971 year as a result of walks in the Paris suburb of young couple, Polish emigrants.

Photos are specific climate and are moving, a great pleasure for us was finding Miniaków in these photographs.

Attracted series will soon own the album issued by NOUS trójjęzycznymi texts of the five authors: Cezary Wodziński, Gerarda Wajcmana, Adam Mazur, Francois Barré, Anka Ptaszkowska and probably waiting for us at home reorganization, because climate reproductions adorn our walls.