Old Timers Garage or I Slaski

Rally before they started aroused controversy regarding the name and registration fees. Encouraged us to submit a plan rich in attractions. We drove well known route 94. Without any problems we found in the designated parking, it was crowded.

After greetings, we went to a music club, which marked the official start of the rally. We listened to cabaret songs and interesting concert, which has been neglected because at the time the grant was held start-up packages in a long queue outside the club.

We returned to the parking lot, where there was quite a stir in half-hour slipping moved to Warsaw in Zabrze Square and it was an exercise in futility to think over 50 Car.

Without the help of the police were standing in a traffic jam at the traffic lights długaśnym smrodząc mercilessly exhaust. Shredded traffic lights were wrong route a few times though, that led “lokalsi” Mirka finally took matters into his Chelsea and we arrived.

I really liked the Datsun

We went for lunch, the chaos, we were able to get allocations chop.
Some at the time gwiazdorzyli and then got only half chop – i to zimnego ale co się nie robi dla sławy 🙂

Having learned from the previous experience of the journey to the next item on the agenda decided to ride ahead, This time, he grabbed a pack start. I noticed, that at the beginning of the ride organizers and sponsors themselves. We were able to get to without the hassle of Historic Coal Mine Guido.

There, after wystaniu in the queue returned down – the level 320.Przewodnik sped us mercilessly and entangled in testimony. I was moved by the fate of horses in mines…

He was surprised to notice, that the 20 minutes later we were at the underground. The two-hour tour route was prepared for us underground electric – I was very disappointed.
Accompanied by Senior and his X1 / 9 Award in the category of – The most interesting European car, we went to the Park of Silesia, where we took part in the final concert of the series “Summer Energy Music” held in the big circle the Dance.

The music was so loud, that hurt eardrums. Quickly evacuated from the circle, where you can watch a lot of strange people and the rest of the concert we heard through the walls at the Silesian Stadium.
The organization clearly “lame”, unnecessary confusion with registration, chaos runs clearly indicated on such a number one in the name of. The organizer asked courtesy as we like- Maciek replied as courteously, that still have a lot to learn – said organizer, that are aware of that and earlier in the study were on ONE ZLOCIE.To I have no comment, and I congratulate the courage.