After MotoClassic was much photorelation relationship. The undisputed king of photos is Mercedes-Benz 300 SL "flying gul". I wonder what creates the "aura" of the car - inaccessible for everyman price, magic name, Dynamic 260 on the counter or something else. For me, this car did not make any impression, I am resistant to the amount of space, turn more attention to other qualities such as. Functionality, which completely lacking in this car.
I saw this model a few years ago in the English collector, Macal, boarded and used the possibility of detailed knowledge. First, the car is so low-slung that has trouble entering all the ramps and driveways, but rather with an exit. The length of the suspension of the car to be very negative and best "samaras" ride like a table on a level road (for the western boundary have the most). The famous gull wing nuisance rather than a source of pride, design "bath" with a very broad and "thick" threshold makes, it is a car for sporty guys. The hardest thing to get off, of women in a skirt or a dress will not mention. As we find ourselves in the middle of each person over 170 cm tall is doomed to managing your knees because that they are at the height of the steering wheel, which has a special design because otherwise it would be difficult to take the position of the driver. Featured in Wroclaw also had a copy of one, probably the most important drawback - color. The owner claimed, that claret for me was vague majtkowym pink, which definitely spoiled the effect of car. Krakow Gullwing is an example that proves the rule, the color of the car is very important and the choice is a big decision, I can very much so that gain or lose and not just my observation.
“English” Gullwing was the only correct color – silver. Gullwing Mini
And one more slip styling? In addition to some of the cars can not be indifferent. In this invention, in striking contrast to bulk profiles, But I have to give, that everything is fine-tuned at the highest level and that the taste is not discussed…
Gullwing kontra Hamann wygrywa Citroën SM
W zlocie uczestniczyło niewiele aut które zrobiły na mnie wrażenie, dla mnie królem był Citroën SM. Ze zdziwieniem stwierdziłam, że znam kierowcę – pasjonata – kolekcjonera Mercedesów. Marki nie zdradził ale uległ urokowi sportowej limuzyny. SM jest piękny, majestatyczny i luksusowy, smaczku dodaje silnik Maserati.