I Historic Vehicle Rally on Earth Wałbrzyska

In the morning we were greeted at the base tumult and car congestion. Above all, however, there was Captain Andrew. After the collective pucowaniu, short briefing and Anthem went hunting into the race.

Along the way, we waited several disciplines and tasks.

Al and Charles fought bravely, my first attempt did not come with a ball, I followed rapidly and upsss, I lost a round object.

Podziwiliśmy scenic areas.

Herb even mused, staring.

Rally plenty of opportunity, we were happily tired and still in front of us there were a lot of: – showing elegance on the market wałbrzyski.

– oldtimerowskich tour and demonstration workshops in Szczawno Zdroj.

Fortunately, we were able to avail of the spa and enjoy the four mineral waters, to enjoy a coffee and cake in the spa beautiful cafe.
At the end of the famed museum Senna and Jerzy Mazur.

It's a fantastic place for lovers of motor sports, a piece of history and a must for automaniaków.
End of the day and rally celebrating the prom Commander. The event was more like a country wedding, in the bad sense – the music was too loud, not enthused cold buffet and it was the weakest point of the event. We had fun but bravely, some even till morning.
Day will pass us in a cookie, pickles and sausages, I got sausages for breakfast, before the start of cake, then ugoszczono us from bread with lard and cucumber. We even grabbed the last slice, some are just cucumbers. The workshop, most participants shocked refreshments from a field kitchen: slice of bread, two sausages and the said already cucumber. All, however, were hungry so tucking, or with taste do not know. In Walbrzych Jagodzianka in Szczawno us again offered some cake. Plus for organizers, remember that the mundane needs of racers, I do not motoring man lives alone.