Difficult return

We left shortly after breakfast, damage, we could not stay till the end – happy again pospacerowałabym the museum.

Maciek experimented with a new route, which was “skip Krakow top” and led by the merciless edge of Krakow holes. So bad roads did not expect, Bytom and Cracow broke in Wroclaw there is nothing to compare. I'm starting to appreciate our roads. The experiment was a completely failed to do so by the Krakow awanturowaliśmy in car, lights up people looked at us strangely. In the end we drove unlucky but frycowym episode was another part miniak, that we dropped out along the way. So far we have failed to diagnose what was. In any case, we arrived home, means, it was quite unnecessary part.

Before Opole reached us the rain and the water poured into the car through the leaky seals coincidentally. At least we know, places where the car is leaking. I also had to slow down because the ruts with water did not serve slickom semi and car began to slide. The Wroclaw drove in the heat tired but satisfied with another successful rally.
Ula and Jacek Corporate rally this time his name, organization was exemplary, atmosphere as always hot, and not only by the weather. The place is perfect for catching a few days and play another trip to the rally are planning an extended, because, as I will travel so much…