Historic Vehicle Rally IX IKAR

Wake up before five – This is already becoming our weekend ritual. CLUB adjusted, squeaky clean, is packed ready to go. This time a short distance – merely 120 miles and familiar atmosphere – Karpacz and surroundings. Before eight are in place – in the Palace of gunmetal in Miłków. Most crews have spent the night from Friday to Saturday, so they are registered, We comply with the formalities and little chaos move on honorable start to Karpacz.

Humans are a handful, after the presentation of the car we go on tour, most drivers get confused and have trouble reading itinerera – is quite specific. We go to memory – because these routes are fortunately well-known. Reaching the Kowar run quite a peloton – while we are in the center. We have time to say hello to your friends in Ostrow and Legnica.

We go further, this time in the column to the Centre for Early, where he greeted us with song and coffee.

The plan is tight, quickly move the route – target Krzeszow.
I must admit, that had never been there and did a complex impression on me. Perhaps this is due to our guide, which appeared originally but told with such passion, curiously, that as many other tours contact us “podpinały”.

After exploring the, wdrapaniu the tower, lunch and passing the test sports – where I had the best time (equally) went to Bolkowo.
We were one of the first cars because the rest of the route was wrong again. We were surprised the amount of people waiting for our arrival, was a large crowd. After żurku the vouchers we went to visit the castle, where he was serving a knights' tournament. Some knights came to him very seriously, and I was surprised with what impetus to beat.

It was impossible to be bored, hit the road again, this time to the observation tower in Bukowiec.

At the end of the rally in small groups moved toward the base, but on the way awaited us try sports – driving with a ball. We were unable to get her alone because Mercedes made a fuss leading rate, everyone started to turn around on the narrow forest path and reigned general mess. Somehow I managed to turn all of the turning points, and finally arrived at the parking lot. The latest trial approached, and this time we just beat black Porsche.
Exhausted we returned to the castle, any other means (we ran through the charming landfill), important, that all they came.
After chatting over a beer automotive caramel, honey and dark we arrived a little late to the ball Commander.

away from the Palace Spiż