Picnic II Veteran 2012

This time we were not the first, perhaps because, we did not have far…

Highland inn in Dziećmorowicach is a charming corner of the pond and the menagerie, accustomed to humans.
After checking in we went in full gear to drift walimskich.

The guide was very young but extremely interesting to tell the story of this place and this has come full circle for us – I miniakowa first trip out of town was just to Walim. Since then, we promise ourselves a trip to Osówka and Włodarz 🙂
We rode in a difficult crossing column helped us to overcome the power you. On the Market in Wałbrzych were staging the history of World War II – oj has happened, shot, ridden tank and small children cry…

And at this time the warriors… at the end of this war is not their “story”.

We zaliczyliśmy coffee and cake and party crews went chasing Legnica column. At the other corner we were lost and we were going to feel, which culminated in the famous roundabout in Szczawno – Zdrój. Phone calls to the organizers did not help, I got no answer… I do not know how Jurek learned Ducks, where “peleton” in any case, he now ran, we went to the mall.

Zagospodarowaliśmy free time talking about veterans and pea soup.

Then there was even a short stop and a presentation at Tesco and return to base. Some crews went to the home, we are in the company of ducks and Garbiego najedliśmy the specialties at the inn, heard two concerts to end the evening on the dance floor as she cavorts. Such an event, even I do not remember.

During the night it started raining and there was no better in the morning. In the pouring rain before ten o'clock we went to the house. We have a good moderator, I tire ruts filled with water and allowed to develop speed 53 km / h. Come on they could not because the car was going the same, where again I wanted to extreme experiences behind the wheel. Luckily it stopped raining in Wroclaw and even distance 63 km even in the worst conditions is to drive.
In summary picnic was fantastic, excellent time and the buy-in 50 zł from the crew got the T-shirt, tickets to the tunnel and drinking bout of public houses in the form of pea soup (at will), stew and sausages on the grill. Cheers tavern owner (who likes, and can feel the blues)!