High Toll

Bąbel jak na prawdziwego sportowca przystało 😉 aklimatyzuje się przed zawodami.

We came to the pace, spend the night in the guest house last year's outdoor – owner of the well-remembered us because we are the only guests of the Polish during the year.
After we made a compulsory purchase of illegal barbecue behind the barn…

Tomorrow's event in the evening we go back home, can on Sunday “harness” Clubiego to Dobrzykowice to rally – busy weekend ahead.

First fotorajd the Jura Krakow - Czestochowa

Club this time ventured to Czestochowa, located where the rally start. The distance was similar to Zabełkowa, so we decided to leave the hour safety margin. Despite the holiday was going well and we were in place well before time and the extra hour was a totally unnecessary. Na miejsce zbiórki przyjechaliśmy drogą obok klasztoru i zupełnie na to nie przygotowani nie zrobiliśmy zdjęcia Clubiemu u stóp Jasnej Góry 😉

Czytaj dalej →

I do not like Mondays

Last refueling somewhat surprised me, I discovered the truth known as a euphemism: petrol gone up in price considerably. And in fact nothing, that recently the station was cut! Like many drivers refuel “amount” nie litry 🙂 Zawsze tankowałam za 50 zł and I had half Baku – the competition that's good enough. This time, once again succumbed to routine, but it turned out, gasoline that I have something like 1/3 with an indication of less. After the race I had to drive to the station (well, that is on the way) and once again fill up with gas bubble. An attendant looked at me like I was crazy - what am I doing with the gasoline and it is not me just a small car so żłopie ... Discovery of the Year!