Zabełków second day

After breakfast on the eighth floor of the tower 6 kilometer walk we returned to the pitch LKS Zabełków. Rozłożyliśmy nasz hipsterski kocyk i korzystaliśmy ze Słońca i wakacji 🙂

In the afternoon we went on tour fitness, Maciek numbered:
– shooting

– screwing the screws in the company of bunkers and tanks – set a new record 24 seconds

– riding scooter

– guessed the weight and yearbooks

– developed fire hose

– carried the ball wheelbarrow

– and hammering nails pulled out and finally it turned out, that we took FIRST PLACE

Jest Clubi jest pucharek 🙂
In very good spirits went home, weather was also favorable, because most of the tour we were accompanied by clouds and the heat so do not tease.