
I feel weird, our holidays are over and the next “Gypsy” trip until next year. Intensive planning has IMM 2013 and for me in a week we could move! I'm ready 🙂

I'm sick of the Euro and the badziewnych flags and guards on mirror, which are dotted with car. I saw the summit was beautiful Porsche “decorated with” in a truly bazarowy. Bąblowi sometimes happens to have a flag but only for foreign trips, parades or car, where the expression of nationality is justified. As a reward for hassle-free way is now cleaned, upholstery, rugs laundered contribution to this was also the upcoming replacement of seats.

Only today I had time to unpack them and of course clean. The first surprise for me, fitting seats are comfortable and nice to sit on them – even do not have to drive a specially – see how they will get on / egress to be mounted in the car. The next weekend because I want to mount them to test the WLTA and Low in July's High Toll (I registered already) everything must be in tip top . Maciek struggling with the gear I hope Clubiego, Monday we will find that the cause of the whistling – we need to hurry – 30 June next rally.