IMM Sunday

In the morning we drove to Tihany – lawnedowego basin. The trip was short but charming.

We went to the local shops for shopping and great was the surprise, when native informed us, that is a celebration - even two days, and shops are closed. Disappointed we went to the main pedestrian crowds surprised us. Posiedzieliśmy moments on the water and went to eat our favorite Lagos - cake fried in deep fat sour cream and grated cheese, pride. We came back and the evening plażowaliśmy, Maciek even decided to swim I just dipped his feet. They went Slovenes and Serbs, who are little used in the IMM. In the evening we went to the transfer of key, Polish team received two awards, a nasi Słoweńcy zostali wyróżnieni jako najgłośniejszy klub 🙂