IMM Saturday

The weather was as, heat up, after the morning after the stores szlajaniu, we went to attack the town on the other hand.

On the way to the second center we found the going out of the gate Tatars. I found, that we will go to trail. Next accompanied by knights, Indians and Art Nouveau lady. We came to the church, which was the site of collection of all the costumed participants - Exactly what? Hungarian cavalry attacked us and punctually 11 all lined up in formation and marched down the main street, accompanied by the orchestra and the crowds of onlookers on the streets. We went and we, first for both of them and then walking trail intersections blocked by the police ahead of the procession, and again we found ourselves on the central promenade.

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Not a zawijańca and refused to lie down on the pier. We also discovered a wężowiska on coastal rocks and so lost the desire to swim in Lake Balaton.

The 17 after the wedding ceremony we went to the side gate, set to the mini-parade.
At the gate we met an Englishman with Markos and Age, who as we waited for the parade of Germany joined us. Nothing, no one knew - where, what and how, after discussions with security turned out to be, that changed the exit gate and meeting place is elsewhere. Pomknęliśmy in our seaters to another side of the gate. Uff, to tu. Security guard told us to go, Turn left and go and so we, proved to be, that despite the confusion of the gates, we are almost at the beginning of the parade. They put us in a long line and waited for a couple of young a mini limo. Waiting umilaliśmy had a chat with the Englishman. Finally, we set off we went to the historic town with a church on the cliff, we've seen from the ship, after doing a loop returned to Ballatonfured but it was not the end of the parade. After the ore at the roundabout enthusiastically applauded by the participants in IMM, who had not participated in the parade we went for a spin around town - costume parade route morning. Satisfied in the column returned to camp. It is for those moments you should have a mini, to feel the unity of the larger community and to enjoy life. In the evening we landed back in the Slovenian tent, this time by the Serbian team wyściskani, which fortunately reached. In the evening, join us in Zagreb were almost complete and the Balkan min venom - lacking only the Greeks.