Bushes and baskets

Spring discovered such “flowers”.

From a distance we thought, that is Marcos and I were hoping for a second “the only such”. Close encounter not brought us closer to solving the mystery of what kind of car – looks samoróbkę.

Advertise in the network could not unequivocal answer, I met an interesting story but the car Melkus RS 1000 This is not ON because the fuel filler cap is on the hood, a rear engine.

And now wicker note. I found a web advertisement for the sale of wicker baskets under the rear seats for mini. Of course, mad at their point. Buy them in England was not a problem that if not for the fact, that the Club has a bit more room in the back away and baskets must be larger. Collaborating in a network with folk artists, and I like to do something Upre…