Year of Monte

Yesterday I had no desire to go to the hospitality Point RIDE to Monte Carlo crews departing from Warsaw, but of duty prevailed and eighteenth zameldowaliśmy on-site. It turned out, przyszykowali that the organizers of our little ones a place in the paddock and we the frost lasts a civilian car came, damage. In comparison with last year on the crew waited in the office, just prior to their arrival we went outside. Tough only four the Fiat, Alpha and so I announced, I'm waiting for that first Porsche, when you see the cherry pig went to the house. A year has passed since our previous expectations for cars traveling in Monte, then we do not know anyone – this year, greeted everywhere with friends, we discussed the events, cars and trivialities. The year is so little but a lot can change. There are rumors, that next year will no longer take off from Warsaw… and since April in the Low Meadows hotel will be built. For murine years…