
End of year marks my “Shooter finger on the map”, calculating the route and campsites. It has become, we decided, that we are going to MINI United, regardless of whether there will take care of accommodation and parking. Kolaboruje już w tej sprawie z organizatorami 🙂 Jak się nie uda to zatrzymamy się na kempingu w Le Castellet. The road is so exciting, that in principle there was no problem with the choice of the IMM or MINI? As this was not enough to tempt me a little longer trip through the Camargue (to see the white horses of the reserve, I dream of a child) do Millau, for what could be finer than the journey miniakiem in the clouds. Besides, additional 350 km in the face of the driven 1700 no longer have any significant value. And this way it became more than 2000 miles one way, and to bite two weeks and preferably more… Five months to go, which we will pass under the sign of lazurowo – lavender sky. And what more can you wish for 2012 years?!