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Came even with the cosmic wheel speed. We expected them early on Friday and here such surprise.

Now the problem appeared to try them out. Training is no longer, TA and the League will start only in September by the way I am in class I 1600 🙂 I wouldn't want to go to Niskie na “świeżakach” without trying to be exercised.

Holidays silly as befits the season promised to be without exciting events. Meanwhile, yesterday changed our plans. Mr. Bubbles has to overcome more than 400 km long and difficult job on the spot. And nocnych obradach ustaliliśmy, that we leave the day before and the night to 20 km from the point 0. That would appear rested in the morning by car and the mind – just who will sleep – I do not, I will not let emotions. 🙂

Broadspeed GT Coupe
Devil box