SME 2011

I planned to get up at eight, but as usual at six o'clock I was on my feet. Maciek was not happy with this because. Weather for the ride was great so we decided to go straight to the IMM - 700 km. To 300 km before we reached the parking lot to make a barbecue. A little startled us, but black pudding police we managed to ugrilować ;). Nourished we went to the border. We were lucky, that had not bought the disc because the queue for “winietowców” was large for those who bought (as we) movement took place smoothly (ironically) and before us was barely two cars.

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Pirk Dam

We left a little earlier than planned. Our on-site parking - we were camping near the Fourteenth. Of course the road is left behind us the adventures. 300 km from Wroclaw we broke down the roof. We opened it and we could not close, Fortunately, there was a large gap. As usual in such cases, the beautiful sunny weather with clouds came and spoiled it started to rain, even torrentially. Maciek saved the situation by hand covering the hole. Fortunately, the rain did not last too long. At the camp more than two hours fighting with the roof. We broke all the headlining to determine, that the screws can not be unscrewed. After a fierce fight, we managed to finally close it. Well, I fancy your trip with opening roof. It will be closed until our return.
We made a well-deserved dinner and we went for a walk along the lake. In the sky began to gather again
clouds and when we reached the tent began to sprinkle longer. Underwent another downpour. We went to sleep a little bother us at this German event of Latino music and a nearby highway noise.


By Saturday swirl all the time wondering whether to go on “Low”. Some were only a, that if a fault was Amberze would be so serious, that fell to the Swiss – Babylon to rajdowanie for non pojechał. But everything ended well and in the morning, we decided – go!

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