Beginning of the End

This time, the sun greeted us. After breakfast we all went to "their treasures" scrub them so elegantly presented on the market in Ustroń. As usual, the column went to a little roundabout but very scenic route to market. Along the way we visited a gathering of sirens. We had free time but we did not want to go anywhere the more, że w odwiedziny przyjechał Sezar z Sabiną oczywiście miniakiem 🙂

After their visit, the time and we have stretched our state began to be bored.
The 13.30 President went to the castle we passed on the way to Luperem. I thought, that can join us but I have seen only by chance, he is the organizer of the rally MKP, which is to be held here next week. Petka died uphill and do not explain it even twenty two horses he gave sensational Tatra cope with seventeen. We were the first group, which included a facility tour, the rest was in the inn for dinner.

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