During our stay in Serbia Amberek appeared in the program “Stop Babe”
Photo. Agencja BE&In
We calmly oddawaliśmy integration with the Balkan country and flared miniakmi Discussion “moral”. Some comments amazed me – I did not know, that this mini- new religion. For us, these cars are designed for everyday use and not in the garage pindrowania. We drive them to work, after shopping, to the cinema, with dogs to the forest and thousands of other places for rallies and meetings that. In the winter, Spring, latem i jesienią 🙂 Owszem dbam o nie i chce żeby wyglądały tak jak to sobie obmyśliłam ale zdaję sobie sprawę, that the paint will be scratched, odpryśnięty and will appear in the normal signs of use.
Arguments fell, that much work and now it is destroyed – I ask that the – how much work???
I, that washing shortens the life (because the car was not washed for a month) 🙂 ale bez przesady – destroyed! Good, strong, suggests devastated, profaned, smashed, etc..
Mini is not for me (I like the term) by car – shrine, I love to ride and it gives me pleasure that arouses interest among people this car. We are happy to show them, can sit in it and touch. I do not have emotional problems and ambition. I'm happy just that these cars and what to bring.
At the end of all interested parties explain, that car is a whole, healthy and washed.