25.06.2010 Belgrade

Badziewnym Breakfast in the hotel was a nice surprise: bufet smaczny i był nawet wybór 🙂 Posileni ruszyliśmy w trasę. It was only 400…

We rode very well. Splitting the route with accommodation in Budapest was an instant hit. We were a little on the border of the Union przystopowani. A queue was longer than last year.

As usual we do not even checking the immigration booth, an official from the euphoria of the car and talked about a tax collector, even we did not check with amusement only waved his hand and so we were in Serbia. Since last year, have built several new sections of highway and very nicely now goes. Work on the road is still underway but the particular obstruction is not.

Easily arrived at “our appointment” place.

Vladimir came after us, and what a surprise – together with Aris. After a hot welcome them went to the hotel.

This time the hotel was amazing, widać z jego okien Awalę a w pokoju oprócz toalety jest olbrzymia wanna z hydromasażem 🙂
Complements only entry and Flee integrate with minimaniakmi.