SME 2010 – 23 May

We woke up the morning, the 8 turned up punctually at breakfast. Not only do we indeed… Unfortunately the Germans were not yet ready, cleaned the room after the night follies. Queue for meals grew in the eyes.

Fortunately, the delay slightly exceeded the student a quarter and we could “szturmować” the issue of food. Breakfast was “divine”: two rolls, wędlinopodobne two slices and a slice of cheese for that jam. I must admit, that the tear in his eye I mentioned English breakfast – hot, with bacon and potato croquettes. And apparently the English have bad eating. Nourished filed a tent and go. Along with us went out a lot of teams: Italians, Słoweńcy… Without problems we went home. Auto spisało wonderfully again…

Mr Bubble – SME MINIMANIA 2010 Germany

At the end of the photos by Gregor from Slovenia

Greetings and see you in Belgrade!