SME 2010 – 22 May

PLN Life went on normal rhythm, the weather was nice, and some went to the fish.

While the traditional walk around IMM proved, zlotowicze the crash after the other side of the street “wild” in. Lack of space was a major problem at this year's rally. Wypatrzyliśmy this guy…

About the appointed hour arrived at the main square. Maciek had a meeting of presidents of clubs – Serbia was represented by, agreed, that he would go to a meeting and filming moves to the later. After about an hour of the meeting freed Maciek, bodyguard had with me a hard life. Has, however, and let me into the hall. Began shooting… Maciek gwiazdował and I chatted with the crew.

Maciek released at the end and went to clubs vote. I stayed because I wandered the same car from all sides, dokładnie każdy kawałek 🙂 Na konie stwierdzili, Maciek that still need. Again “attacked” bodyguard, who just nodded with a smile and opened the door for me. It turned out, team that invented, Mack that Posada will be in a chair and sit motionless, and the whole world in the background will be removed and so he sat with 15 minut biedaczek 🙂 Na szczęście zdążył już zagłosować

Hungary won and IMM in 2012 will be at Lake Balaton. Niektórych to nie wzruszyło 😉

Tired of impressions we went for dinner. The food was pretty scary: niewiadomoczego ball with meat and steak – “terry towel in batter” with fries. Of course, expect to pig iron would be out of place. After the meal began with a life event musik…