2 Highly Picnic – third day

It was raining, raining, It rained all day. They were only najodporniejsi Metalhead – wooden car spasowały.
As usual, we went under police escort on tour, to explore the palaces of the rally finish in Pszczyna. We visited the Grand Kończyce, Small, Zebrzydowice, goczałkowicki reservoir and stream. My heart was cut in the latter, so prepare for our arrival and there such a downpour. There were very few people but still, that future…

Majówka and portalu www.ekonczyce.pl

Automobile Loss:
Multipla already rode on the carriage (had only 1 in 3 confession). Boys Mini turned on the Jeep to the way Robert has damaged the suspension and joined us in Pless on a trailer, and so was left with only our Miniak.

To sum up the weather, the rally was only the super-, if the weather was good would be wonderful. Big compliments to the commander for the organization and ensuring the comfort of participants. We met lots of interesting places and most of all wonderful people.