
Zamówiliśmy nadkola i drobny stuff do aut. We are waiting for shipment.
Dzwoniłam i umówiłam się do GCZ, go 27 lutego porozmawiać o kolorze, aerografie - wrote to me that adjusts the hairdresser hairstyle must talk with the client, and all agree. Invented, that can immediately take the wheel and in the summer, repair plumbing, respectively peck bodyshell. We will go, we'll talk and see. If the price is ok. I wanted to take a "new" on the IMM, and a little "manhandle" the whole mini-club.
Nadal nie mogę się dogadać z tapicerem, have not even started to work. We agree on the color headlining that surrounds it and the phone is up to the end of the month time to execute works (officially 20 przywozimy his car and 23 – 24 perceive). Kurcze czy wszyscy magicy są tacy niesłowni i mają takie opóźnienia?